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NPJ athletes will receive a training program designed around the specific movements of volleyball to help them perform at their best and to help avoid overuse injuries. As young athletes my programs are also designed around strengthening the bodies foundational movement patterns as well as teaching them how to move correctly/safely.




  • NPJ discounted rate of $125/month (breaks down to $15 per training day)

  • 45-min sessions, 2x per a week  (8 days/mo roughly)

  • Training will be offered December-April

  • Pick any two days out of the three that are offered (ex. Mon/Thurs or Tues/Thurs etc.)


  • Family members receive a discounted rate for gym membership at Snap (if desired) for only $20/mo during club season -no commitment/cancellation fee






Located at Snap Fitness off Reed Market Rd (near 15th St) in Bend 

Select the month or months that you want to train

Training will run from December-April

Training Times:
Mon/Tues/Thurs 4:30-5:15pm

*pick any two days and show up

 SIGN UP HERE - OPENS 11/27/19

SPACE IS LIMITED: We are waiting for all teams in all age groups to be formed before  officially accepting registrations. Beginning 11/27, players will be accepted on a first-come first-serve basis in the order of forms received (don't forget to click Submit below).

Payments by cash or check due on the first session of each month.

Thanks! Message sent.

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